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Cap d'Agde

At the beginning of the new century, in very confusing time, small group of dedicated international hedonists decided to fight inflation, political differences, language barrier,
and convince you to join us on the Great Adventure Trip to Cap D'Agde, France.

We would like to introduce you to our ideas,
We hope to expand this idea with your comments and suggestions until we create

"The Best Vacation Of Our Lifetime

Sometimes pleasure and excitement related to trip preparation is greater then adventure itself
We hope it will not be a case here but....
We do not want to miss this fun either.
we need you !

Preparation for this vacation will be divided in few parts :
Now is the time to pack your luggage lightly !
(Attention ! Your wife needs room in the luggage to pack all the nice things she will buy there)

The most expensive part of this trip is an airline ticket. It will cost you very little to extend your trip
start your vacation earlier.
If you need help, we will try to assist you in finding accommodation in the city of your choice.

We will be waiting for you in Cap D'Agde. More precisely we will organize transportation between the port
of your arrival  and your apartment.
We are planning the whole event for ten days.
You are free to come for as little as three days as for long as Geneviève Naturisme Agency will allow you.


Grand Gala Party of our trip will be held on last Saturday at L'Extasia club preceded by Grand Gala Dinner at Le Palaisia restaurant.
We will be joined at the dinner and at the party by members of Leda Association.

We would like to encourage each of our couple, to invite one French couple to their apartment for refreshment before events and for sleep over after the Grand Gala Party.

If this idea will find applause from our group we may help to organize some French couples to come day earlier and try to be a "private" guide and chauffeur for people who would like to do participate.

We are planning to organize a forum for our group, where we may have a chance to express opinions and start to know each other. We will help you to overcome the language barrier by introducing you to automatic translators which in recent years are improved a lot, and just fun to use.

We hope you will enjoy your visit here.
Welcome Aboard.

What makes France so different from the rest of the world, that forces citizens of this beautiful country to be precursors in many aspects of life ?
It may be impossible to find an answer to this question by adventure seekers and hedonist like us, if scientists and historian couldn't find it.
The key however may be simply hidden in the word :


Who would want to reach for snails or frogs to eat having vast variety of meats, over three hundred fifty different kinds of cheeses, uncounted amount of different breads and pastries, just to name a few ?

Only hedonists are willing to experiment, to find new pleasures and excitements. French people by far are the leaders of the world in this category. We do not want to elaborate on French food, wine or art now, touching these subjects only briefly in some of our pages. What we want to talk about is :


Or more precisely French eroticism, and circumstances which helped us to come up with an idea of exotic trip to southern France, to the place called Cap d'Agde !

We like to remind you many different facts of French influence on our lives in light and frivolous way so you will have a desire to continue browsing our pages. We mentioned about French people searching for different and unusual tastes. Yes..... they not only taught us to have "l'escargot" they busted desire to put other things in our mouth, creating well adopted behavior like "French Kiss" or "French Love". Many will agree that these French "foods" taste better than McDonald's and are healthier for you.

French eroticism, adopted from Roman conquerors probably about two thousands years B.C. were less repressed than in the rest of Europe, by church and its inquisition. The sexual liberalism was not free from many tragic moment in the history. Syphilis, widely believed today, that originated in the New World and brought back to Europe by followers or Christopher Columbus sailors, was called at the time "French Disease" or "Franca". Blaming France for spreading, this deadly disease which claimed millions of lives over next five hundred years.

Marquis de Sade flirting through the bars of the low seating window in his prison cell in "Bastille" didn't know that he will spend most of his life behind the bars, not for committing any crime, just for his bizarre desires which he dared to put on papers in the form of books, letters and plays. Today not far from "Place Bastille" world famous SM club; Le Bar-Bar  pays indirect tribute to Marquis de Sade dark mind.
(Le Bar-Bar from the word "barbare" or "barbarian", not from "two bars" )

Years after French Revolution brought more freedom of thinking and expression. More independence from the church what consequently lead
to greater sexual liberty.
Incoming years brought new words with a sexy meanings.
Vaudeville, Brulesque, Can-Can, Cabaret.
The street lanterns on Place Pigalle received red covers.
Different type of stars started to shine on the firmament of Parisian entertainment
"Les Demoiselles du Moulin Rouge", "Josephine Baker" !

About that time "nudism", later renamed to "naturism" grew in popularity.

From there it was only steps to Swingers.

Second World War officers were blamed or credited for famous
Wife Swapping
but reality is probably different.
Famous Messalina, wife of Caesar Claudius Augustus, participated in the Roman Orgy some two thousand years earlier.

Sex Revolution of the sixties opened even more options for people interested in sexy activities.
At about that time French Government gave a green light to build
Cap D'Agde !
The largest nudist town on Earth !


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