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Mark your calendar for the most exiting trip of your lifetime !
We are planning to take you to Cap D'Agde, France

from June 17th to June 26th 2005

After careful research, reflecting popular demand we decided to use apartments inside the Village Naturiste. (see Accommodation below). From many options, the Héliopolis complex (see map ) became our number one choice. Located closest to the beach, with several swimming pools, largest shopping center, and the variety of apartments from most economical to most luxurious, is giving us the best opportunity to fulfill everybody's needs.

We made arrangements to hold apartments for our group. Jean-Pierre and Charlette will be in Cap D'Agde to take care about individual reservations. By that time we need you to decide about the size and location of your apartment and consequently about the price of your choice. The layout of the available apartments and the prices are in our Prices page. Please note letters reflecting locations and distances to the particular points, like the beach or the other part of the village, on the bird view picture of Héliopolis (see map ).

As soon as possible, we need collect information of your first and last names and and the apartment of your choice. Please email this information to : extravaganza@jadejames.fr or Meva@Matt.as



Your payments will be arranged with Geneviève Naturisme Agency ! You will pay them directly by calling Mrs Chantal (tel : (+33) with your Credit Card Number ! Using Credit Card is highly recommended ! Check their website for details, we just want to remind you now, that they require 25% deposit when booking. The balance must be paid 30 days before arrival, Most of the major credit card are accepted. We recommend to take advantage of the "balance must be paid 30 days before arrival" to save money in case of cancellation. Agency is not returning deposits.

During your stay in Cap D'Agde we will organize activities related to, and outside of the lifestyle like : lunches, dinners, shopping excursions as well as evenings in different Swinger Clubs... We will also recommend you to participate in some or all Side Trips to take advantage of your stay in France to discover beauty and the history of this wonderful country...


Our trip is design for "frugal traveler" to get the most for the money ! Our dates reflect this principle. We should be able to take advantage of low, off season, rates for air fare and accommodation.

The travel :

Many of our members are planning to use their frequent flyer miles, for the rest of the group, we'll help you to get the best air fare rates either trough our friends in travel industry or just simply shopping on line.

All flights from USA to Europe are leaving States in the late afternoon or early evening arriving to Europe early in the morning.
Experiencing to buy the cheapest airfare on the net, we discover that Barcelona - BCN, in Spain, is the best destination choice, we'll recommend to you. Barcelona - BCN could be also an occasion to make a side trip by just visiting this beautiful city before to join Agde.

Most of the couples who join us for the Extravaganza event will fly to Barcelona. They forecast to join Cap d'Agde by renting a car. They will have a first stop in Couiza for the Château des Ducs de Joyeuse and will visit the Citadelle of Carcassonne.

Or depending on the airline you choose, you would need to transfer to the local flight to Montpellier, the alternative destination (airport codes Chicago O'Hare - ORD , Montpellier - MPL).

It's also possible to take the TGV from Paris to Agde for about 200€ per person, for the round trip : it takes four hours travel time to cover distance between Paris and Agde. It departures almost every hour... The name TGV, "Train à Grande Vitesse" translated into English, means "Very High Speed Train". Using TGV is adventure by itself. If you travel via Paris, we highly recommend to experience this unique form of transportation.

Transportation from and to the airport and/or railways station of Agde will be included in the "Expenses" to share.

Important note ! Choose an airline which will allow you for a "stop over" in the city of your extension trip Use British Airlines if you want to stay over in London (daily flight between London and Montpellier with Ryannair), Alitalia for Rome, Iberia for Madrid or Barcelona, and so on.

For people who will go directly back to the States, shouldn't matter which airline they use except frequent miles program, convenience or personal preferences.

Couples flying to Barcelona and planning trip extension there are having option to take advantage of the shortest distance between the famous hometown of Antonio Gaudi and his "la Sagrada Familia and Cap D'Agde. Rent a car and drive trough Andorra, famous for duty free shopping, and visit parts of southwestern France. Anyway, we'll organize the transfer between Barcelona and Cap d'Agde.

Accomodation :

The trip is totally based on cost sharing. However only very few expenses we will be able to share.
Each couple is expected to rent an apartment in the Héliopolis area (see map ).
We are planning to use the Geneviève Naturisme Agency, the biggest and most prestigious lodging company specializing in renting accommodations around the Naturiste Village.

Apartments vary in sizes and accordingly in the price (average daily price are from 42 € to 100 €). Chart in our page Our Prices will help you find the apartment of your choice, they all are at least small studios equipped with bath, cook top, refrigerator, sheets, towels and all necessary utensils for basic comfort during your stay.

The smallest residences are still designed to accommodate four people, although too compact by US standards to shelter this amount of visitors they are very comfortable for a couple. If any of our members would like to share an apartment for further saving, we would recommend larger apartments or villas.

"Extravaganza Headquarters" : we already booked one extra apartment (column AB in the ground floor of Héliopolis, see map ) , which will be converted to gathering place and party room, open to our members day and night. We will have there plenty of soft drinks, wine and famous "café noir & croissants" every morning, so you don't need to shop for your breakfast. Free condoms will be available... The "Extravaganza Headquarters" is design to be friendly, open space, where you can meet other members of the group, invite freshly met friends, and receive all the information about next day plans. You'll be able to declare your participation in daily activities our group, including Side trips, lunches and picnics... and if you wish, we will provide all necessary assistance to help you to plan your own.

Main events :

You will choose what you like on the daily basis. Few events are planned for entire group (see our schedule below). Arrival to Cap D'Agde is scheduled for either Friday June 17th or Saturday June 18th, 2005, depending on individual flight arrangement.

Every night we are planning to go to a different club for the evening. Some of the clubs have entrance to the party included in the price of the dinner or buffet. We will post our suggestions for the topic of the day in "Extravaganza Headquarters". These activities will be "of your choice". We will not collect any money from you for any of the events marked "of your choice" in this schedule, you will pay individually for it.
  1. Château des Ducs de Joyeuse (Couiza) : Thursday June 16th 2005 since most of the Extravaganza Travelers choose to come from Barcelona one day in advance, they all will spend their first night in France in the Château des Ducs de Joyeuse and visit the Citadelle of Carcassonne on Friday June 17th.

  2. Welcome party : Friday June 17th 2005 - evening (depending on arrival day and arrival time)
    Designed to help you fight "jet lag" and get to know other people of the group.
    Party is scheduled to be held in our "Extravaganza Headquarters"

  3. Orientation Breakfast : "Extravaganza Headquarters" - Saturday June 18th 2005, morning and/or afternoon.
    We will hold brief meeting to cover our plans and suggestions, to reply your questions, to register for side trips and to familiarize you with the area.

    If necessary we will repeat orientation next day morning on Sunday June 19th. We will hold brief meeting to cover our plans answer questions, apply your suggestions to modify or improve our plans. Also to register you for side trips and to familiarize you with the area.

  4. The Beach : every day, all day long
    We will take advantage of the sun and the nice weather to lie down on the beach among hundreds of other couples, Couples section (east part of the naturist beach). A pole with the Extravaganza flag will be our meeting point there.

  5. "Extravaganza Party" : at the Château du Trédos - Saturday June 18th 2005, 21h00
    We will celebrate our first evening in this swinger club and the Château will be very happy to welcome our Extravaganza Party for this evening.

  6. La Villa Romaine & Le Glamour : - Sunday June 19th 2005, 20h00 - in the middle of Héliopolis, near the beach -
    Dinner in the retaurant La Villa Romaine with very sexy dresses in the biggest libertine complex of the Village Naturist, including the entrance to the biggest swinger club Le Glamour

  7. La Brasucade : Lunch, Tuesday June 21st 2005 - 12h30 - (appointment 12h00 - 5 miles from the Village, we will organize transportation)
    This event is for "seafood " lovers. La Brasucade is well established and widely known "Fruit de Mer" eatery, run by a local fisherman. He guarantees the shortcut between d'azur waters of Mediterranean Sea and your plate. Delicious!
    (cost for entire lunch, wine included, 26 € per couple)

    grilled sardines & mussels in "La Brasucade"

  8. Extravaganza Picnic : Tuesday June 21st 2005 - 19h30
    "Plage Naturiste" (on the "Libertine Beach"). Weather permitted event, can be rescheduled or repeated.
    We are planning to take advantage of the starlight and the full moon to shine upon our full picnic baskets and reflect in our wine glasses to celebrate the first day of the summer and the Music's Day. We want this evening to be equally romantic and sinful in a total freedom.

  9. Restaurant "La Poissonnerie" : Friday June 22nd 2005 - 20h30
    The restaurant La Poissonnerie is located outside of the Naturist Village, close to the Main Gate and in front of the Geneviève Naturisme Agency.

    The taste of a wonderful dinner based on fresh fish and seafood will be remembered forever.

    The restaurant sponsors a very sexy lingerie fashion show. Presented during the dinner is adding an extra spice to the wonderful culinary experience.

  10. Grand Gala Dinner and The Party : Saturday June 25th 2005 - 21h00 (appointment 20h30 - 9 miles from the Village, we will organize transportation)
    We will be joined for the evening by members of the Leda Association. We will start this evening by having five courses dinner frosted with a bottle of wine in Le Palaisia Restaurant. After dinner we will join several hundreds of couples in the biggest and probably the best club on Earth, L'Extasia.
    (cost for entire evening 60 € per couple... drinks in the club are not included)

"Expenses" to share :

Here is a list of "expenses" we expect you to participate. Some costs may depend on the size of the group :
  • Transportation :
    • We are planning to hire a bus for side trips and bringing people from and back to the Airport, or the train station in Agde
    • Instead or in addition, we may have one, or more minibuses to transport members to clubs, and other daily activities
    • Smaller vehicles may be more convenient and easily accessible, especially that our members most likely will be using different airlines and their time of arrival may vary.
    • Transportation fleet will depend on the size of the group and interest, each side trips will create
    • We need every member to give us idea what they want to participate in ; this will help us to plan efficiently
  • "Extravaganza Headquarters" : the extra apartment, converted to gathering place and party room, open to our members day and night.
  • the Welcome Party : will be held in Extravaganza Headquarters on first night in Cap D'Agde
  • Extravaganza Picnic : we would like to serve you some specialities of the region
  • La Brasucade : Lunch, Tuesday June 21st - fix price
  • Organisation costs
This list may change upon group demands.

Side trips :

We have extremely rich program for you to choose from very attractive side trips, shopping excursions, sport activities, dinners, picnics and club visits, probably too many attractions for most to be able to participate in them all

Information, explainations or registration for our side trips will be given in our "Extravaganza Headquarters".

Extension trip :

Trip extension to Paris is available as pre trip or post trip, for desired length of time. Stay in the City of Lights without the cost of an extra air fare. We can offer you assistance to book your room, and guide you, to get the most from your stay. Other famous European places of your choice like Amsterdam, Rome or Athens are just short fly away.

For Barcelona, the trip may be made by car : 187 miles (300 km). From Cap d'agde, it's just two hours and half drive (to see the route, click here).

Proposed Schedule (subject to change) : (all prices are "per couple")




Friday June 17th arrival
Arrival Priceless Arrival Priceless Welcome Party
"Extravaganza Headquarters"
Welcome Party
"Extravaganza Headquarters"
Saturday June 18t arrival
Brief Meeting Orientation breakfast
Share Brief Meeting
+ Beach Toyo

"Extravaganza party"
with Buffet at
Château du Trédos
Dinner price included in entry fee of
Château du Trédos
"Extravaganza party" at
Château du Trédos
50 € Transportation
price Tba
Sunday June 19th
La Villa Romaine
~60 € Le Glamour
0 € Club price included in
La Villa Romaine's dinner
Monday June 20th
Share Side trip
- Dinner
Le Bistrot
~40 € Le Jul's 0 € Formula : Dinner+club
Tuesday June 21st
Share Lunch at La Brasucade 26 € Picnic
on the beach
on the beach
Share - Music's Day
- 1st day of summer
- full moon
three good reasons to have a wild time...
Wednesday June 22nd

Share Side trip
- Meeting in the Melrose Café
Thursday June 23rd Breakfast
Share Side trip
- Dinner
your choice Le Tantra - Formula : Dinner+Club
Friday June 24th Breakfast
Share Side trip
- Dinner
La Poissonnerie
~80 € Quai des Anges Tba or 0 € with flier
price Tba
Saturday June 25th Breakfast
Share Side trip
- Grand Gala Dinner at
Le Palaisia
60 € Farewell party at
0 € - Club price included in
Le Palaisia's
- Transportation
price Tba *
Sunday June 26th Departure
From Cap D'Agde
- Arrival to the International
airport of you
itinerary second part
of your vacation
- - - - - Time of departure may vary , Let us know to secure the ground transportation to the airport for you.
June 27th
Second day of your trip extention
or , first evening at home
Priceless Celebration Priceless Celebration Priceless Celebration Celebration -
End of your "Trip Extension" - - - - - - - - .It couldn't least forever
Rest of the year Work Not enough Work Not enough TV & Kids Too much Back to reality - No comments but...
try to save money for next year !

* We will be joined by the Leda Association Members. They may give us a lift to and from the club
1. Share : Cost divided between participants
2. your choice : event which you will have to pay on your own.
3. Tba : to be announced
4. Toyo : time on your own



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Pour traduire cette page en n'importe quelle langue :

Home - French Connection - Cap d'Agde - The Clubs of Cap d'Agde - Our Offer - Prices - Reservation
Side Trips - Our Friends - Barcelona - Soir de Paris - Paris Nightlife - FAQ - Tips and hints - Jokes

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